Skipping incompatible lclntsh

Received this error whilst make-ing OCI8 for PHP. It was a fresh install of 64-bit CentOS 5.4 w/ Oracle XE 10g installed; e.g., /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/oracle/ when searching for -lclntsh /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclntsh So I checked for /usr/lib/oracle/ – it exists, but for some reason it was “incompatible”. Google is helpful once again. The problem was that the 10g RPM was 32-bit, but I was trying to compiling a 64-bit version of OCI8.

ORA-01653 unable to extend table SYSTEM.AUD$

This set of commands helped me resolve this error quickly. First we need to find out the path to the appropriate datafile(s): $ sqlplus sys as sysdba SQL> select name from v$datafile where name like '%system%'; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /oradata/foo/system01.dbf 1 rows selected. There’s only one datafile, so we’ll need to check if /oradata has free disk space; e.g., $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 50G 47G 2.

Use a specific CentOS mirror

I want my server to get updates from the CentOS package mirror, here we disable the fastestmirror plugin; e.g., $ cat /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf [main] enabled=0 verbose=0 socket_timeout=3 hostfilepath=/var/cache/yum/timedhosts.txt maxhostfileage=10 maxthreads=15, facebook Now set the mirrorlist, baseurl and failovermethod values for CentOS-Base.repo for the various sections (base, updates, addons, extras, centosplus, contrib). The baseurl value is configured on a per-section basis, so edit carefully. Here’s mine, reproduced in full: $ cat /etc/yum.

Missing battery icon in Vista taskbar

With reference to this post, I encountered this same problem last night, on a Vista install. Right-clicking the taskbar, then selecting Properties -> Taskbar and Start Menu Properties -> Notification Area -> System Icons -> Battery does not work, as the check boxes are greyed out. The easiest solution is to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del, bring up the Task Manager, and then restart explorer.exe. Here’s the solution that I’ve directly taken from Akshit’s reply to that thread:

TrueHoop's Stat Geek Smackdown 2010

So it’s time for the NBA’s second season, once again. I’ll do my own predictions here, since I’m no NBA expert. 5 points are awarded for correctly picking the winner, with an additional 2 for correctly picking the number of games played. First Round (39) CHI-CLE (CLE in 4) (5, CLE won in 5) CHA-ORL (ORL in 5) (5, ORL won in 4) MIL-ALT (ATL in 5) (5, ATL won in 7) MIA-BOS (BOS in 6) (5, BOS won in 5) OKC-LAL (LAL in 6) (7, LAL won in 6) SAS-DAL (SAS in 5) (5, SAS won in 6) POR-PHO (PHO in 6) (7, PHO won in 6) UTH-DEN (DEN in 5) (0, UTH won in 6) Conference Semi-Finals (10) SAS-PHO (SAS in 6) (0, PHO won in 4) UTH-LAL (LAL in 5) (5, LAL won in 4) BOS-CLE (CLE in 6) (0, BOS won in 6) ATL-ORL (ORL in 6) (5, ORL won in 4) Conference Finals (7) PHO-LAL (LAL in 6) (7, LAL won in 6) BOS-ORL (ORL in 6) (0, BOS won in 5) Finals (0) BOS-LAL (BOS in 6) I received a total of 56 points, good for 5th overall.

Check what services are accepting network connections

This network statistics command is your friend; e.g., $ netstat -tnlp (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0* LISTEN - tcp 0 0 0.