WordPress 2.7 Beta 3

It’s done! For web developers out there, IMO it’s much easier to call svn update than to navigate the new admin interface (smooth as it may be). See here for more instructions.

Singapore PHP User Group Meetup @ Oracle

Blair Layton did give a nice preso on Oracle 11g, I plan to check out that developer DVD they provided. There was also a demo of Oracle Application Express, which is a step-by-step (simple) web app builder. If you’d like to attend more of such events, do check out: blog.php.com.sg. The presentation was videoed, so the slides/video should be up on that website fairly quickly.

Mod_rewrite primer

I’ve had to write a number of .htaccess files over the past week or so. My uses of mod_rewrite are simple enough, but I thought to post here since there in case anybody just wants to accomplish something quickly. Ask your system administrator to set the AllowOverride property to FileInfo or All, otherwise these overrides won’t work. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://blog.waynekhan.net/ [R=301,L] Permanent (301) redirect some_page.html: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/some_page.

Wireless setup on Debian (Fujitsu Lifebook S7110)

The S7110 uses the IntelĀ® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection adapter iwl3945. Use lspci to find out what type of network card you have: # lspci -nn | grep Intel 05:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection [8086:4222] (rev 02) You’ll need at least the 2.6.24 kernel, available on Lenny onwards. If you’re using Etch (or even Sarge), tough luck. Significant upgrades to follow. Find out what kernel is loaded:

Programmer questions

What is the output for the following 3 code snippets? // Snippet 1 $x = 3; if (4 < $x) { print "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; } else { print "She sells seashells on the seashore."; } // Snippet 2 $x = 1; $x = ++$x * 2; print $x; // Snippet 3 $x = 1; $x = $x++ * 2; print $x;